林浚瑋 教授
国家/地区: 海外 学历: 博士
职称: 教授 职称级别: 正高级
单位机构: Western Noway University of Applied Sciences 任职信息: 博士生导师
研究方向: 计算机科学与技术

林浚玮于2010年在台湾国立成功大学资讯工程学院获得博士学位,目前于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)计算机学院担任副教授,主要研究内容为数据挖掘、人工智能、数据库和机器学习,主要研究动态的数据库挖掘与隐私保护数据挖掘,面向不同的应用领域,如关联规则、循序规则、不确定性规则、高效用项集和模糊规则等,设计出对应的模型、理论与算法,在数据挖掘与人工智能这两方面有相当丰富的经验。林教授至今发表学术论文200余篇,包含80余篇高水平学术期刊论文 (75篇SCI) 与110多篇国际会议论文。其中,JCR一区的期刊有30篇,二区以上的期刊有45篇。根据Google Scholar统计,目前论文总引用1150余次,H-index为15。林教授同时也是SPMF数据挖掘开源平台的负责人之一,并也是Data Science and Pattern Recongition (DSPR)主编与Intelligent Data Analysis (SCI期刊)的编委成员。


数据挖掘, 人工智能, 大数据处理, 隐私保护, 社群网路


1. 2016年哈工大深研院计算机学院科研优秀奖

2. 2016年ACM SIGAPP SAC国际会议最佳海报提名奖

3. 2015年哈工大深研院计算机学院科研优秀奖

4. 2015年CCF-腾讯犀鸟牛基金优秀奖

5. 2015年ICGEC国际会议最佳论文奖

6. 2015年MLDM国际会议最佳论文提名奖

7. 2014年IEA-AIE国际会议最佳论文奖

8. 2013年台湾网路智能学会最佳硕士论文指导教授奖

9. 2013年深圳市海外高层次B类人才(孔雀计划)

10. 2011年台湾人工智能学会博士论文奖

11. 2011年台湾网路智能学会最佳博士论文奖

12. 2011年台湾网路智能学会最佳硕士论文指导教授奖



1.Wensheng Gan, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin*, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Han-Chieh Chao, “Extracting Recent Weighted-based Patterns from Uncertain Temporal Databases,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2017. (SCI/EI, IF:2.368, JCR Q1)

2.Wensheng Gan, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin*, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Han-Chieh Chao, and Justin Zhan “Mining of Frequent Patterns with Multiple Minimum Supports,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2017 (SCI/EI, IF:2.368, JCR Q1)

3.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Wensheng Gan, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Han-Chieh Chao, and Tzung-Pei Hong, “Efficiently Mining Frequent Itemsets with Weight and Recency Constraints,” Applied Intelligence, 2017. (SCI/EI, IF:1.215, JCR Q3)

4.Jeng-Shyang Pan, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin*, Lu Yang, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Tzung-Pei Hong, “Efficiently Mining of Skyline Frequent-Utility Patterns,” Intelligent Data Analysis, 2017. (SCI/EI, IF: 0.631, JCR Q4)

5.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Shifeng Ren, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, Ja-Hwung Su, and Bay Vo, “A Fast Algorithm for Mining High Average-Utility Itemsets,” Applied Intelligence, 2017. (SCI/EI, IF:1.215, JCR Q3)

6.Jimmy Ming-Thai Wu, Justin Zhan, and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin*, “An ACO-based Approach to Mine High-Utility Itemsets,” Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 116, pp. 102-113, 2017. (SCI/EI, IF:3.325, JCR Q1)

7.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Wensheng Gan, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, and Justin Zhan, "Efficient Mining of High-Utility Itemsets Using Multiple Minimum Utility Thresholds," Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 113, pp. 100-115, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:3.325, JCR Q1)

8.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Wensheng Gan, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Tzung-Pei Hong, “FDHUP: Fast Algorithm for Mining Discriminative High Utility Patterns,” Knowledge and Information Systems, pp. 1-37, 2016. (SCI/E, IF: 1.702, JCR Q2)

9.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Wensheng Gan, “FHN: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining High-Utility Itemsets with Negative Unit Profits,” Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 111, pp. 283-298, 2016. (SCI/EI IF:3.325, JCR Q1)

10.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Wensheng Gan, Philippe Fournier-Viger and Tzung-Pei Hong, “Efficiently Updating the Discovered Sequential Patterns for Sequence Modification,” International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 26 (8), pp. 1285-1313, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:0.240, JCR Q4)

11.Souleymane Zida, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Cheng-Wei Wu, Vincent S. Tseng, “EFIM: A Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm for High-Utility Itemset Mining,” Knowledge and Information Systems, pp. 1-31, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF: 1.702, JCR Q2)

12.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Qiankun Liu, Philippe Fournier-Viger, and Tzung-Pei Hong, “PTA: An Efficient System for Anonymizing Transaction Databases”, IEEE Access, Vol. 4, pp. 6467-6479, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:1.248, JCR Q2)

13.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Ting Li, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, Jimmy Ming-Thai Wu, and Justin Zhan “Efficient Mining of Multiple Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1-9, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF: 0.941, JCR Q3)

14.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Wensheng Gan, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, and Vincent S. Tseng, "Efficiently Mining Uncertain High-Utility Itemsets," Soft Computing, pp. 1-20, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:1.630, JCR Q2)

15.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Lu Yang, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, and Miroslav Voznak “A Binary PSO Approach to Mine High-Utility Itemsets” Soft Computing, pp. 1-19, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:1.630, JCR Q2)

16.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Lu Yang, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Ming-Thai Wu, Tzung-Pei Hong, Leon Shyue-Liang Wang, and Justin Zhan, "Mining High-Utility Itemsets based on Particle Swarm Optimization," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 55, pp. 320-330, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:2.368, JCR Q1)

17.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Tsu-Yang Wu, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Guo Lin, Justin Zhan and Miroslav Voznak, “Fast Algorithms for Hiding Sensitive High-Utility Itemsets in Privacy-Preserving Utility Mining,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 55, pp. 269-284, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:2.368, JCR Q1)

18.Chun-Wei Lin, Binbin Zhang, Wensheng Gan, Bo-Wei Chen, Seungmin Rho, Tzung-Pei Hong, “Updating High-Utility Pattern Trees with Transaction Modification,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75(9), pp. 4887-4912, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:1.313, JCR Q2)

19.Peng Cheng, Ivan Lee, Chun-Wei Lin, and Jeng-Shyang Pan, “Association Rule Hiding Based on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization,” Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 20(3), pp. 495-514, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF: 0.631, JCR Q4)

20.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Ting Li, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, Justin Zhan, and Miroslav Voznak “An Efficient Algorithm to Mine High Average-Utility Itemsets,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 30(2), pp. 233-243, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:2.00, JCR Q1)

21.Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Qiankun Liu, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Tzung-Pei Hong, Miroslav Voznak, and Justin Zhan “A Sanitization Approach for Hiding Sensitive Itemsets based on Particle Swarm Optimization,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 53, pp. 1-18, 2016. (SCI/EI, IF:2.368, JCR Q1)

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